Since the group began in 2004 the Chairman has given many talks to various groups and organisations on the work undertaken and the success achieved in venues all over Sussex.
Mid Sussex District Council have asked him to speak at every MSDC Environmental Conference they have held since 2004 and at a location in Guildford to explain our work and experiences to encourage other groups and parishes to attempt it themselves.
In July 2014 Sussex Living Magazine made the achievements of the group their main feature and captured many of the improvements they had made to the local countryside and the survival prospects of indigenous wildlife.
In October 2014 CPRE Sussex Countryside Trust selected the group for a Sussex Rural Enterprise Countryside Award for the conservation effort and achievements made to the Sussex countryside. It was presented to the Chairman Michael Nailard and one of the group’s leading volunteers Alan Murray at Firle Place, near Lewes by Lady Egremont.
On February 28th 2015 the Chairman was asked to give a presentation of the group’s work to date at the CPRE Mid Sussex Conference in Clair Hall Haywards Heath.
These achievements are highlighted in the following pictures.

July Sussex living
The Woodland, Flora & Fauna Group CPRE award
Leading volunteer Alan Murray and Michael Nailard receiving the CPRE award from Lady Egremont for group countryside achievements